The following function matrix.poly allows for the addition of polygons to a plot based on a matrix and defined matrix positions. I have used this function on occasion to highlight specific matrix locations (e.g. in the above figure). You can do the same by overlaying another image (left in above plot) but with this function you will have all other polygon plotting possibilities (e.g. borders etc.).
matrix.poly function...
matrix.poly <- function(x, y, z=mat, n=NULL){ if(missing(z)) stop("Must define matrix 'z'") if(missing(n)) stop("Must define at least 1 grid location 'n'") if(missing(x)) x <- seq(0,1,,dim(z)[1]) if(missing(y)) y <- seq(0,1,,dim(z)[2]) poly <- vector(mode="list", length(n)) for(i in seq(length(n))){ ROW <- ((n[i]-1) %% dim(z)[1]) +1 COL <- ((n[i]-1) %/% dim(z)[1]) +1 dist.left <- (x[ROW]-x[ROW-1])/2 dist.right <- (x[ROW+1]-x[ROW])/2 if(ROW==1) dist.left <- dist.right if(ROW==dim(z)[1]) dist.right <- dist.left dist.down <- (y[COL]-y[COL-1])/2 dist.up <- (y[COL+1]-y[COL])/2 if(COL==1) dist.down <- dist.up if(COL==dim(z)[2]) dist.up <- dist.down xs <- c(x[ROW]-dist.left, x[ROW]-dist.left, x[ROW]+dist.right, x[ROW]+dist.right) ys <- c(y[COL]-dist.down, y[COL]+dist.up, y[COL]+dist.up, y[COL]-dist.down) poly[[i]] <- data.frame(x=xs, y=ys) } return(poly) }
to reproduce the above figures...
### #required packages library(maps) library(mapproj) #required functions (from "") source("matrix.poly.R") source("val2col.R") png("matrix.poly.ex.png", width=9, height=3, units="in", res=200) par(mfcol=c(1,3), mar=c(5,5,0.5,0.5)) set.seed(1) #Ex 1 - add another image layer m=8 n=10 x <- seq(m) y <- seq(n) z <- matrix(runif(m*n), nrow=m, ncol=n) image(x,y,z, col=grey.colors(20)) N <- sample(1:(m*n),20) z2 <- NaN*z z2[N] <- 1 image(x,y,z2, col=rgb(0,0,1,0.4), add=TRUE) box() #Ex 2 - add polygons m=8 n=10 x <- seq(m) y <- seq(n) z <- matrix(runif(m*n), nrow=m, ncol=n) image(x,y,z, col=grey.colors(20)) N <- sample(1:(m*n),20) poly <- matrix.poly(x,y,z=z,n=N) sapply(poly, function(X){polygon(X, col=rgb(1,1,0,0.4), border=1)}) box() #Ex 2 - add polygons to unequal grid x <- cumsum(round(runif(m, min=1, max=10))) y <- cumsum(round(runif(n, min=1, max=10))) z <- matrix(runif(m*n), nrow=m, ncol=n) image(x,y,z, col=grey.colors(20)) N <- sample(1:(m*n),20) poly <- matrix.poly(x,y,z=z,n=N) sapply(poly, function(X){polygon(X, col=rgb(1,0,0,0.4), border=1)}) box() #### png("matrix.poly.ex2.png", width=6, height=3, units="in", res=400) par(mfcol=c(1,2), mar=c(5,5,0.5,0.5)) set.seed(1) #Ex 1 - simple image m=10 n=10 x <- seq(from=-60, to=60,, m) y <- seq(from=30, to=85,, n) z <- matrix(runif(m*n), nrow=m, ncol=n) image(x,y,z, col=rainbow(20)) #Ex.2 project polygons par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) map("world", proj="orthographic", orient=c(60,0,20), par=NULL, t="n") poly <- matrix.poly(x,y,z=z,n=seq(length(z))) COL <- val2col(z,col=rainbow(20)) for(i in seq(poly)){ polygon(mapproject(poly[[i]]), col=COL[i], border=COL[i], lwd=0.3) } map("world", proj="orthographic", orient=c(60,0,20), par=NULL, add=T) map.grid(col=rgb(0,0,0,0.5), labels=F)
This is a nice function. I encountered an issue when a matrix defines a mask with only a single cell:
ReplyDeletetestmat <- matrix(c(0,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,0),nrow=3) matrix.poly(c(1,2,3), c(1,2,3), testmat, which(testmat==1))
# Error in if (ROW == 1) dist.left <- dist.right : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed.
I don't seem to be able to figure out how to avoid the error. Any hints?
Thanks for finding this error. The problem was in the definition of indices in the for loop - It was "for(i in seq(n)){}", but should have been "for(i in seq(length(n))){".