Effect of overfitting on prediction
The above graph shows polynomial fitting of various degrees to an artificial data set - The "real" underlying model is a 3rd-degree polynomial (y ~ b3*x^3 + b2*x^2 + b1*x + a). One gets a good idea that the higher degree models are incorrect give the single-term removal significance tests provided by the summary function (e.g. 5th-degree polynomial model):
lm(formula = ye ~ poly(x, degree = 5), data = df)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-4.4916 -2.0382 -0.4417 2.2340 8.1518
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 29.3696 0.4304 68.242 < 2e-16 ***
poly(x, degree = 5)1 74.4980 3.0432 24.480 < 2e-16 ***
poly(x, degree = 5)2 54.0712 3.0432 17.768 < 2e-16 ***
poly(x, degree = 5)3 23.5394 3.0432 7.735 9.72e-10 ***
poly(x, degree = 5)4 -3.0043 3.0432 -0.987 0.329
poly(x, degree = 5)5 1.1392 3.0432 0.374 0.710
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 3.043 on 44 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.9569, Adjusted R-squared: 0.952
F-statistic: 195.2 on 5 and 44 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Nevertheless, a more robust analysis of prediction error is through a cross-validation - by splitting the data into training and validation sub-sets. The following example does this split at 50% training and 50% validation, with 500 permutations.
Effect of data size on prediction
Another interesting aspect presented in the post is the use of CV in estimating the relationship between prediction error and the amount of data used in the model fitting (credit given to Andrew Ng from Stanford). This is helpful concept when determining what the benefit in prediction would be following an invest in more data sampling:
### Data and model fitting set.seed(1111) n <- 50 x <- sort(runif(n, -2, 2)) y <- 3*x^3 + 5*x^2 + 0.5*x + 20 # a 3 polynomial model err <- rnorm(n, sd=3) ye <- y + err df <- data.frame(x, ye) nterm <- c(1,2,3,5,7,9) png("model_fit~terms.png", width=5, height=4, units="in", res=400, type="cairo") par(mar=c(4,4,1,1)) plot(ye~x, df, ylab="y") PAL <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "cyan", "yellow", "red")) COLS <- PAL(length(nterm)) for(i in seq(nterm)){ fit <- lm(ye ~ poly(x, degree=nterm[i]), data=df) newdat <- data.frame(x=seq(min(df$x), max(df$x),,100)) lines(newdat$x, predict(fit, newdat), col=COLS[i]) } legend("topleft", legend=paste0(nterm, c("", "", "*", "", "", "")), title="polynomial degrees", bty="n", col=COLS, lty=1) dev.off() ### Term significance fit <- lm(ye ~ poly(x, degree=5), data=df) summary(fit) ### Error as a function of model complexity set.seed(1111) n <- 50 nterm <- seq(12) perms <- 500 frac.train <- 0.5 #training fraction of data run <- data.frame(n, nterm, train.err=NaN, cv.err=NaN) run x <- sort(runif(n, -2, 2)) y <- 3*x^3 + 5*x^2 + 0.5*x + 20 # a 3 polynomial model err <- rnorm(n, sd=3) ye <- y + err df <- data.frame(x, ye) for(i in seq(nrow(run))){ pred.train <- matrix(NaN, nrow=nrow(df), ncol=perms) pred.valid <- matrix(NaN, nrow=nrow(df), ncol=perms) for(j in seq(perms)){ train <- sample(nrow(df), nrow(df)*frac.train) valid <- seq(nrow(df))[-train] dftrain <- df[train,] dfvalid <- df[valid,] fit <- lm(ye ~ poly(x, degree=run$nterm[i]), data=dftrain) pred.train[train,j] <- predict(fit) pred.valid[valid,j] <- predict(fit, dfvalid) } run$train.err[i] <- mean(abs(df$ye - pred.train), na.rm=TRUE) # sqrt(mean((df$ye - pred.train)^2, na.rm=TRUE)) run$cv.err[i] <- mean(abs(df$ye - pred.valid), na.rm=TRUE) # sqrt(mean((df$ye - pred.valid)^2, na.rm=TRUE)) print(i) } png("error~complexity.png", width=5, height=4, units="in", res=400, type="cairo") par(mar=c(4,4,1,1)) ylim <- range(run$train.err, run$cv.err) plot(run$nterm, run$train.err, log="y", col=1, t="o", ylim=ylim, xlab="Model complexity [polynomial degrees]", ylab="Mean absolute error [MAE]") lines(run$nterm, run$cv.err, col=2, t="o") abline(v=3, lty=2, col=8) abline(h=mean(abs(err)), lty=2, col=8) legend("top", legend=c("Training error", "Cross-validation error"), bty="n", col=1:2, lty=1, pch=1) dev.off() ### Error as a function of data size set.seed(1111) n <- round(exp(seq(log(50), log(500),, 10))) nterm <- 7 perms <- 500 frac.train <- 0.5 #training fraction of data run <- data.frame(n, nterm, train.err=NaN, cv.err=NaN) run x <- sort(runif(max(n), -2, 2)) y <- 3*x^3 + 5*x^2 + 0.5*x + 20 # a 3 polynomial model err <- rnorm(max(n), sd=3) ye <- y + err DF <- data.frame(x, ye) for(i in seq(nrow(run))){ df <- DF[1:run$n[i],] pred.train <- matrix(NaN, nrow=nrow(df), ncol=perms) pred.valid <- matrix(NaN, nrow=nrow(df), ncol=perms) for(j in seq(perms)){ train <- sample(nrow(df), nrow(df)*frac.train) valid <- seq(nrow(df))[-train] dftrain <- df[train,] dfvalid <- df[valid,] fit <- lm(ye ~ poly(x, degree=run$nterm[i]), data=dftrain) pred.train[train,j] <- predict(fit) pred.valid[valid,j] <- predict(fit, dfvalid) } run$train.err[i] <- mean(abs(df$ye - pred.train), na.rm=TRUE) # sqrt(mean((df$ye - pred.train)^2, na.rm=TRUE)) run$cv.err[i] <- mean(abs(df$ye - pred.valid), na.rm=TRUE) # sqrt(mean((df$ye - pred.valid)^2, na.rm=TRUE)) print(i) } png(paste0("error~data_size_", paste0(nterm, "term"), ".png"), width=5, height=4, units="in", res=400, type="cairo") par(mar=c(4,4,1,1)) ylim <- range(run$train.err, run$cv.err) plot(run$n, run$train.err, log="xy", col=1, t="o", ylim=ylim, xlab="Data size [n]", ylab="Mean absolute error [MAE]") lines(run$n, run$cv.err, col=2, t="o") abline(h=mean(abs(err)), lty=2, col=8) legend("bottomright", legend=paste0("No. of polynomial degrees = ", nterm), bty="n") legend("top", legend=c("Training error", "Cross-validation error"), bty="n", col=1:2, lty=1, pch=1) dev.off()
great post--thx! One thought: for those of us who are either forgetful (like me! ;), are semi-lazy (again, like me), or just would like a concise conclusion, it would be much appreciated if there were an overall summary (or "take-home" points). Anyway, that is a minor point--thank you for this and for your time.
Nice and illustrative! Also interesting to see that the Information Criteria work well in selecting the true 3rd degree polynomial (lowest AIC):
ReplyDelete> for(i in seq(nterm)){
+ fit <- lm(ye ~ poly(x, degree=nterm[i]), data=df)
+ print(AIC(fit))
+ }
[1] 365.6729
[1] 298.2563
[1] 258.0448
[1] 260.7939
[1] 261.8996
[1] 263.4659
This guy makes the same comment (http://www.petrkeil.com/?p=836) [posted 1 day later than this post - similar focus, example, and no citation - love it!]