Monday, April 2, 2012

Add a frame to a map

Here is a function that adds a frame of alternating colors to a map (un-projected). One defines the extension of each bar (in degrees) and an optional width of the bars (in inches). It uses the "joinPolys" function of the package to trim the bars near the map corners where the axes meet.

the map.frame function:

#bar.width is the width of the frame in inches
#deg.ext is the extention of the frame segments in degrees
#other parameters from polygon can be passed to the frame
#requires PBSmapping package (function "joinPolys")
map.frame <- function(bar.width=NULL, deg.ext=1, ...){
 if(missing(bar.width)) bar.width <- mean(par()$pin)*0.02
 usr <- par()$usr
 bar.width.x <- bar.width/par()$pin[1] * (usr[2]-usr[1])
 bar.width.y <- bar.width/par()$pin[2] * (usr[4]-usr[3])
 bar.lims.x <- seq(-180,180,deg.ext)
 bar.lims.y <- seq(-90,90,deg.ext)
 is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)  abs(x - round(x)) < tol
 bar.bottom <- data.frame(PID=rep(1, 4), POS=1:4, X=c(usr[1],usr[1]+bar.width.y,usr[2]-bar.width.y,usr[2]), Y=c(usr[3],usr[3]+bar.width.x,usr[3]+bar.width.x,usr[3])) <- data.frame(PID=rep(1, 4), POS=1:4, X=c(usr[1],usr[1]+bar.width.y,usr[2]-bar.width.y,usr[2]), Y=c(usr[4],usr[4]-bar.width.x,usr[4]-bar.width.x,usr[4]))
 bar.left <- data.frame(PID=rep(1, 4), POS=1:4, X=c(usr[1],usr[1],usr[1]+bar.width.y,usr[1]+bar.width.y), Y=c(usr[3],usr[4], usr[4]-bar.width.x,usr[3]+bar.width.x))
 bar.right <- data.frame(PID=rep(1, 4), POS=1:4, X=c(usr[2],usr[2]-bar.width.y,usr[2]-bar.width.y,usr[2]), Y=c(usr[3],usr[3]+bar.width.x,usr[4]-bar.width.x,usr[4]))
 #X axis
 for(i in seq(length(bar.lims.x)-1)){
  xs <- c(bar.lims.x[i], bar.lims.x[i], bar.lims.x[i+1], bar.lims.x[i+1])
  ys <- c(usr[3], usr[3]+bar.width.y, usr[3]+bar.width.y, usr[3])
  bottom <- data.frame(PID=rep(1, 4), POS=1:4, X=xs, Y=ys)
  bottom.join <- joinPolys(bottom,bar.bottom)
  ys <- c(usr[4]-bar.width.y, usr[4], usr[4], usr[4]-bar.width.y)
  top <- data.frame(PID=rep(1, 4), POS=1:4, X=xs, Y=ys)
  top.join <- joinPolys(top,
  tmp.col <- ifelse(is.wholenumber(i/2), "black", "white")
  polygon(bottom.join$X, bottom.join$Y, col=tmp.col, ...)
  polygon(top.join$X, top.join$Y, col=tmp.col, ...)
 #Y axis
 for(i in seq(length(bar.lims.y)-1)){
  ys <- c(bar.lims.y[i], bar.lims.y[i], bar.lims.y[i+1], bar.lims.y[i+1])
  xs <- c(usr[1], usr[1]+bar.width.x, usr[1]+bar.width.x, usr[1])
  left <- data.frame(PID=rep(1, 4), POS=1:4, X=xs, Y=ys)
  left.join <- joinPolys(left,bar.left)
  xs <- c(usr[2], usr[2]-bar.width.x, usr[2]-bar.width.x, usr[2])
  right <- data.frame(PID=rep(1, 4), POS=1:4, X=xs, Y=ys)
  right.join <- joinPolys(right,bar.right) 
  tmp.col <- ifelse(is.wholenumber(i/2), "black", "white")
  polygon(left.join$X, left.join$Y, col=tmp.col, ...)
  polygon(right.join$X, right.join$Y, col=tmp.col, ...)
Created by Pretty R at

the code to reproduce the map:
#required packages
#required functions (from "")
#example plot
png("worldmap_w_frame.png", width=8, height=4, units="in", res=400)
  xlim=c(-180, 180),ylim=c(-80,80),
  xlab="", ylab="",
  xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
  xaxt="n", yaxt="n"
map("world", add=TRUE, fill=TRUE, col="grey90", lwd=0.5)
axis(1, at=seq(-150, 150, 30), line=-0.5, lwd = 0)
axis(2, at=seq(-60, 60, 30), line=-0.5, lwd = 0)
abline(h=seq(-90,90,10), lty=3, col="grey")
abline(v=seq(-180,180,10), lty=3, col="grey")
Created by Pretty R at


  1. The frame is very nice! The only thing which always confuses me in this 'maps' package: why, why there is still year 1990 (USSR still exists, but Germany is already reunited - very convenient to guess the date of map creation)? What if anyone needs contemporary world map?

  2. Hilarious :-)
    I never realized that.
